
The Testament League [STORY]

  What is the response? BIBLIOGRAPHY SHORTCUT  Thinking is staying faithful to the truth and gaining sweetness (this makes you to make profit). But smoking is doubting the truth and loosing breath (this makes you to feel pain and sicknesses). Diabolism misdirects and poisons the soul and body. HOLY SPIRIT SHORTCUT Professionalism as thinking or praying acknowledges taste because you can understand it. But satanism as malice or antichrist acknowledges torts because you cannot understand it.  REFLECTION PROFESSIONALISM(Thinking or Praying) brings about reading and writing because it makes you a sweet personality. SATANISM(Malice or Antichrist) brings about misdirection and poisoning because it makes you a suffering personality. WAY FORWARD 1. A subscription of thinking and praying where one gains God's blessings and many positive natural resources. (Sensible).  2. Profit from these senses available in breath. a. Skin(reading and writing). b. Eyes(lines and recall). c. Nose(slow speed

Multiplication Table 1 to 10 Gif Pictures

NB There are three different downloadable packs.  Each of them  are located under their examples. Examples of times table gif >>>>>>Click on this link to download times table gif<<<<<< Examples of times table answers >>>>>>Click on this link to download times table answers pack<<<<<< Examples of Times Table For Shuffle   > >>>>>Click on this link to download times table for shuffle pack<<<<<<

Major Scales In Solfege

Monday - Dy Dy Ry Fa Fy Sy Ly Do Dy, Dy Do Ly Sy Fy Fa Ry Dy. Tuesday - Ry Ry Fa So Sy Ly Do Re Ry, Ry Re Do Ly Sy So Fa Ry. Wednesday - Mi Mi Fy Sy La Ti Dy Ry Mi, Mi Ry Dy Ti La Sy Fy Mi. Thursday - Fy Fy Sy Ly Ti Dy Ry Fa Fy, Fy Fa Ry Dy Ti Ly Sy Fy. Friday - Sy Sy Ly Do Dy Ry Fa So Sy, Sy So Fa Ry Dy Do Ly Sy. Saturday - La La Ti Dy Re Mi Fy Sy La, La Sy Fy Mi Re Dy Ti La. Sunday - Ti Ti Dy Ry Mi Fy Sy Ly Ti, Ti Ly Sy Fy Mi Ry Dy Ti. Note that the following were excluded:  Do - Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do. So -   So La Ti Do Re Mi Fy So, So Fy Mi Re Do Ti La So. Re -   Re Mi Fy So La Ti Dy Re, Re Dy Ti La So Fy Mi Re. Fa -  Fa So La Ly Do Re Mi Fa, Fa Mi Re Do Ly La So Fa. Ly -  Ly Do Re Ry Fa So La Ly, Ly La So Fa Ry Re Do Ly. MAJOR CHORDS *Do Mi So ... *Dy Fa Sy ... *Re Fy La ... *Ry So Ly ... *Mi Sy Ti ... *Fa La Do ... *Fy Ly Dy ... *So Ti Re ... *Sy Do Ry ... *La Dy Mi ... *Ly Re Fa ... *Ti Ry Fy ...

Remember Amenities

Remember "Amenities". Teachers should teach it in the classrooms. Preachers should preach it in the churches. Government should administer it. And the people should practice it.

Piano Fingerings With Hanon And Czerny

Click here to download Hanon Fingering Pdf Click here to download Czerny Fingering Pdf   Click here to download 001 Fingering Maestro Without Click here to download 001 Fingering Midi Without Click here to download 002 Fingering Maestro With Click here to download 002 Fingering Midi With A quick operational guide to using midi sheet music in detail. Mid files How to load the midi files. ... Extract the midi files to a specific folder. Open midi sheet music app. Navigate to files and select a midi file from the specific folder. Song Settings Deselect show the piano Select show note letters And select either letters or fixed do re mi. Select the show measure numbers. Set whether to scroll vertically.  *But remember to set the time signature to 3/4 in specified files. *And set the speed slider to a level you are comfortable with. **But if Midi Sheet Music lags while playing and does not show correct notes, stop the song and select a measure to s

MAESTRO APK | How To Fix Disappearing Staff Lines

 The following is how to fix disappearing staff lines by updating app to NoTilesVersion. 1. Download the following maestro version  Click Here To Download Maestro v2NoTiles 2. Install the application. a. If you have Maestro already installed, you will be asked if you wanted to update it; select yes. b. If installation fails, backup your maestro data files, delete faulty maestro apk and install given maestro apk. You can then copy back your maestro files to the data folder. 3. Maestro is now running properly. Note:   1. This version 2 carries "SEARCH" but does not carry ""TILES". 2. If you use Maestro version one Graphical User Interface from time to time you can (If Necessary)  Click Here To Download Version 1 NOTE:  1. The version 1 and 2 uploaded here are Data Compatible. 2. If you observe disappearing staff lines when playing composed music and drum staff, select the drum notes and clear all the beamed notes. This would resolve the disappearing staff lines i

Piano Music Transposition Lines


Testament Tips

  What you buy = forgiveness level. What you sell = chastity level. 1. Forgive, don't buy addiction. 2. Be Holy, don't accept addiction.

Vows 2023++ wows

  VOWS 2023++ Line: #VOWS. @2: #VowsOnPoint,          #IShallNotWantVice.

Defining Solfege [Fixed Do Re Mi]

Defining Solfege Fixed Do Re Mi  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF FORMAT To download, click on the link. This would take you to a Google Drive page. Then click on the download arrow symbol on the top right of the page. Click and hold/Right click on Image and Select Download Image/Save Image ofor Image Format NATURAL 0. Major Key Signature: None equals C Major.       Description: No changes.                    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re mi fa so la ti do. SHARPS 1. Major Key Signature: 1 Sharp equals G Major.                       Description: Fa changes to Fy.           Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re mi fy so la ti do. 2. Major Key Signature: 2 Sharps equals D Major.                    Description: Fa, Do, changes to Fy, Dy.                Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy re mi fy so la ti dy. 3. Major Key Signature: 3 Sharps equals A Major.                    Description: Fa, Do, So, changes to Fy, Dy, Sy.       Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy re mi fy sy la ti dy. 4. Major Key Signature: 4

Solfege Vocabulary Of Piano

  SOLFEGE VOCABULARY OF PIANO A Flat            = SY A Natural     = LA A Sharp        = LY  B Flat            = LY  B Natural      = TI B Sharp        = DO C Flat           = TI C Natural     = DO C Sharp        = DY D Flat           = DY D Natural     = RE D Sharp       = RY E Flat           = RY E Natural     = MI E Sharp        = FA F Flat            = MI F Natural     = FA F Sharp        = FY G Flat           = FY  G Natural    = SO G Sharp       = SY Note that Y sounds like ee. E.g. "Dee", "Lee". And IF NECESSARY Fa and Fy should sound like "Vah" and "Vee". So and Sy should sound like "Zoh" and "Zee". BACK TO TOP

Lines That Promote Conscious Consideration

These lines are used about conscious consideration or for recollecting the senses about consciousness. 1. Reality line is #Principle. This would also bring about clearer thinking and defeat the enemy in detail. 2. Truth Reality line is #OkayInPrinciple. This would also encourage fast thinking; would dispel trials, depression, anxiety and defeat the enemy in detail.  3. Individuality line is #. This would also defeat evil realities, defeat the enemy in detail, relieve anxiety, neutralize temptations, and bring about clearer thinking. 4. Confession line is #IDidn'tKnow. E.g. #ForWhatIDidn'tKnow. This would also dispel fault. 5. Concept, Conceptualizing line is #SoYouKnow. E.g. #YouKnow. This would also dispel boredom. 6. Memory(ies) line is #Parse. E.g. #WouldParse, #It'sAParse, #DigitalParse. For when done thinking about something. 7. Remember(ing) line is #Line. E.g. #WouldLine, #It'sALine, #DigitalLine, #LineObjective. To retrieve something from memory. 8. Objec

Man And His Personality

  Positive Personality (i.e. Thinking, Praying) makes 100% profit of having the food and having the stomach. but Negative Personality (i.e. Smoking, Faulting) makes 100% loss of having the food and having the stomach.

How To Defeat Addiction By Becoming A Philosopher Today

 PERSONALITY PHILOSOPHY SUBJECTS #TheTenCommandmentsObject The Following Is How To Defeat Addiction By Becoming A Philosopher Today To Carry Means To Practice and Define Line. Technology Means Obedience as Profit of Subject. Vice Means Disobedience as Loss of Subject. Directions: To Defeat worry and or addiction, remember the Philosophy Subject of the day and stick to philosophy technology. MONDAY: PRACTICE AND DEFINE RESPONSIBLE THINKING . Technology: By growing older24/7. Vice: Mischievous thinkings. TUESDAY: PRACTICE AND DEFINE PRESENT THINKING. Technology: By carrying Water24/7. Vice: Absent thinkings. WEDNESDAY: PRACTICE AND DEFINE FAST THINKING . Technology: By carrying Neurology24/7. Vice: Craving thinkings. THURSDAY: PRACTICE AND DEFINE  PROFITABLE THINKING. Technology: By carrying sweetness24/7. Vice: Loosing thinkings. FRIDAY: PRACTICE AND DEFINE  REALISTIC AND CLEAR THINKING. Technology: By carrying breathing24/7 and techno-activity24/7. Vice: Wandering thinkings.

Solutions Enterprise

 Worry and Addiction are popular destroyers of life, energy, and reality.   Natural doctors must have particular (i.e, static or dynamic) philosophy subject for each day of the week to regulate the defense and conclusion of thinking. E.g. Monday #Pixel office. Tuesday #Religion and romance... etc.   To repel worry or addiction, recall or remember your solution #"Philosophy Subject." Tips:  1. To defeat worry or addiction, stick to philosophy. 2. Addiction impedes fast speed and growing so breathe through your mouth regularly. God Bless You!

Thinking Obedience Over Disobedience

1. Responsible over Mischievous. 2. Present over Absent. 3. Fasting over Craving. 4. Profiting over Loosing. 5. Realistic over Workable. 6. Clear over Wandering. 7. Brilliant over Signalled. 8. Living over Dying. 9. Composed over Fueled. 10. Professional over satanic. Question: How will you feel , if you never smoke, drink alcohol, or use any addiction again? Answer: I will feel responsible, present, fasting, profiting, realistic, clear, brilliant, living, composed, and professional if I never smoke or drink alcohol or use any addiction again.

Man And Responsibility

The capacity for personality brings about the ability to save time (responsibility), and the ability to waste time (mischief). I do obedience to save time and be responsible. But I do not do disobedience, that would make me mischievous.