Defining Solfege [Fixed Do Re Mi]

Defining Solfege

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Defining Solfege Fixed Do Re Mi 2

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0. Major Key Signature: None equals C Major.  

    Description: No changes.               

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re mi fa so la ti do.


1. Major Key Signature: 1 Sharp equals G Major.                  

    Description: Fa changes to Fy.      

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re mi fy so la ti do.

2. Major Key Signature: 2 Sharps equals D Major.               

    Description: Fa, Do, changes to Fy, Dy.           

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy re mi fy so la ti dy.

3. Major Key Signature: 3 Sharps equals A Major.               

    Description: Fa, Do, So, changes to Fy, Dy, Sy.  

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy re mi fy sy la ti dy.

4. Major Key Signature: 4 Sharps equals E Major.                 

    Description: Fa, Do, So, Re, changes to Fy, Dy, Sy, Ry.       

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy ry mi fy sy la ti dy.

5. Major Key Signature: 5 Sharps equals B Major.                 

    Description: Fa, Do, So, Re, La, changes to Fy, Dy, Sy, Ry, Ly.           

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy ry mi fy sy ly ti dy.

6. Major Key Signature: 6 Sharps equals F Sharp Major.     

    Description: Fa, Do, So, Re, La, Mi, changes to Fy, Dy, Sy, Ry, Ly, Fa.   

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy ry fa fy sy ly ti dy.

7. Major Key Signature: 7 Sharps equals C Sharp Major.     

    Description: Fa, Do, So, Re, La, Mi, Ti, changes to Fy, Dy, Sy, Ry, Ly, Fa, Do.           

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): dy ry fa fy sy ly do dy.


1. Major Key Signature: 1 Flat equals F Major.   

    Description: Ti changes to Ly.        

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re mi fa so la ly do.

2. Major Key Signature: 2 Flats equals B Flat Major.            

    Description: Ti, Mi, changes to Ly Ry.           

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re ry fa so la ly do.

3. Major Key Signature: 3 Flats equals E Flat Major.           

    Description: Ti, Mi, La, changes to Ly, Ry, Sy.   

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do re ry fa so sy ly do.

4. Major Key Signature: 4 Flats equals A Flat Major.            

    Description: Ti, Mi, La, Re, changes to Ly, Ry, Sy, Dy.      

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do dy ry fa so sy ly do.


5. Major Key Signature: 5 Flats equals D Flat Major.            

    Description: Ti, Mi, La, Re, So, changes to Ly, Ry, Sy, Dy, Fy.           

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): do dy ry fa fy sy ly do.



6. Major Key Signature: 6 Flats equals G Flat Major.           

    Description:  Ti, Mi, La, Re, So, Do, changes to Ly, Ry, Sy, Dy, Fy, Ti.         

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): ti dy ry fa fy sy ly ti.



7. Major Key Signature: 7 Flats equals C Flat Major.           

    Description: Ti, Mi, La, Re, So, Do, Fa, changes to Ly, Ry  Sy, Dy, Fy, Ti, Mi.           

    Solfege (Fixed Do Re Mi): ti dy ry mi fy sy ly ti.


Note that Y sounds like ee. E.g. "Dee", "Lee".


Fa and Fy should sound like "Vah" and "Vee".

So and Sy should sound like "Zoh" and "Zee".