Lines That Promote Conscious Consideration

These lines are used about conscious consideration or for recollecting the senses about consciousness.

1. Reality line is #Principle. This would also bring about clearer thinking and defeat the enemy in detail.

2. Truth Reality line is #OkayInPrinciple. This would also encourage fast thinking; would dispel trials, depression, anxiety and defeat the enemy in detail. 

3. Individuality line is #. This would also defeat evil realities, defeat the enemy in detail, relieve anxiety, neutralize temptations, and bring about clearer thinking.

4. Confession line is #IDidn'tKnow. E.g. #ForWhatIDidn'tKnow. This would also dispel fault.

5. Concept, Conceptualizing line is #SoYouKnow. E.g. #YouKnow. This would also dispel boredom.

6. Memory(ies) line is #Parse. E.g. #WouldParse, #It'sAParse, #DigitalParse. For when done thinking about something.

7. Remember(ing) line is #Line. E.g. #WouldLine, #It'sALine, #DigitalLine, #LineObjective. To retrieve something from memory.

8. Objectivity line is #Okay. E.g. #ItsOkay, #OkayButParse, #OkayIt'sAParse. This would also calm down temper.

9. Soul line is #LordHaveMercy. This would also dissolve provocation and pressures.

Spirituality lines are as follows

10. #It'sTheSpirit. This would also direct thinking, thinking objective, and thinking logic.

11. #It'sNotTheSpirit. This would also retrieve thinking, thinking objective, and thinking logic.

12. Integrity line is #BeGodly. This would also encourage and complement positive thinking.

13. Frequency line is #NoQuestion. This would also dispel temptations, interference or distraction and relieve frustration. 

Sensibility lines are as follows

14. #For(Me/Detail). This would also direct energy.

15. #NotFor(Me/Detail). This would also retrieve energy.

16. Correctness lines are #Objective. E.g. #AnObjective. Where action is necessary.


#NotObjective. E.g. #NotAnObjective. Where action is not necessary.

Artificial Intelligence line are as follows

17. #InDetail. This would also direct technopsychology and imagination objectives. This is also used when you want to think about something.

18. #NoDetail. This would also retrieve technopsychology and imagination objectives. This is also used when you don't want to think about something.

Intelligence line is as follows

19. #Option. E.g. #AnOption. This would also direct reflectivity and/or dynamics.

Note: Remember that for persons practicing (e.g. Personality Philosophy/Obedience e.t.c.,) forgiveness, holiness, and integrity is an option.

20. #NoOption. E.g. #NotAnOption. This would also retrieve reflectivity and/or dynamics.

 Note: Remember that for persons practicing (e.g. Personality Philosophy/Obedience e.t.c.,) addiction or mischievous thinking for instance is not an option.

Truth line is as follows

21. #Okay. E.g. #It'sOkay. This would also direct objectivity.

22. #NotOkay. E.g. #It'sNotOkay. This would also retrieve objectivity.

23. Work, working line is #ForBusiness. E.g. #InForBusiness, #OutForBusiness. This would also direct or retrieve activity and passivity.

24. Levels line is #HaveMercy. 

25. Technology, techno-activity line is #InProgress.

Reflectivity line is as follows

26. #OnePoint. E.g. #OnPoint. This would also encourage the Inspiration. Note: [For instance positive lines equals one point. eg. Thinking or Praying(Motivation)].

27. #NoPoint. E.g. #NotAPoint. This would also dispel the interference.

Note: [Negative lines equals no point. eg. Addiction(Temptation)]. 

Even if the point of Temptation/Addiction is for instance, Recreation/Obedience; in essence, "Addiction(Temptation)" equals #NoPoint/#NotAPoint, i.e. #NoRecreation, #NoObedience/#NotARecreation, #NotAnObedience

28. Solutions line is #PositiveLinesInsisted.

29. To vividly relax, rest or sleep, "breathe" this line #FirstToBreatheIn. 

Click the links to download this line's mp3. 

>>>FAST Rest And SleepFM MP3 FirstToBreatheIn<<<

>>>SLOW Rest And SleepFM MP3 FirstToBreatheIn<<<

For best use of the MP3

i. Observe whether to put the fan off or in low speed.

ii. If distracted by the MP3, put it off too.

30. Forgiveness line is #ISendForgiveness.

31. Chastity line is #BeHoly. E.g. #BecauseIWantToBeHoly.

32. Perspective line #ReadAndWrite. This would also encourage concentration.

33. Logicality line is #It'sArtificial. This would also dispel distractions.

34. Energy line is #It'sSomethingElse. This would also conclude thoughts.

35. Defence line is #It'sNotSomethingElse. This would also dispel temptations.

36. Focus line is #PerspectivesAllClear! This would also conclude imaginations.

37. Philosophy line is

DAY(#Practicing), NIGHT(#Defining).

38. Health line is #PictureEnergySoundingEnergy.

39. Technopsychology line is #IRejectSatanAndAllItsActivities.

40. Recovery line is #FirstToBreathe. This would also encourage truth motive passion.

41. Conjunction line is #And, #So, #For, #But, #Unless, #Therefore, #SoAsTo, #Just, #Now... etc. This would also join the lines in detail where necessary.

42. Professionalism line is #Vows. This would also defeat temptation.

43. Critical Reflection line is #IfGodAllowsIt. This would also encourage integrity, cancel satanic influence, and boost positive frequency.

Sanctity line is as follows

44. #InPractice. This would also dynamically confirm ThinkingOrPraying(LogicAndObjectives).

45. #Amen. This would also earnestly confirm ThinkingOrPraying(LogicAndObjectives).

Chemistry line is as follows

46. #ForInstance. This would also direct focus and boost fluency.

47. #InEssence. This would also retrieve focus and boost fluency.

Dreams are either

48 *Sensible i.e. recallable or

49 *Digital i.e. essence of being in a dream and not being in a dream. e.g. (On Dream) and (Off Dream), so it becomes unreachable when awake.

Note: You may find that writing down your dreams would improve your sensibility and memory in detail.

Sensitivity line is as follows

50. #InFocus. This would also direct perspective(s).

51. #Focus. This would also retrieve perspective(s).

52. Consciousness line is #Perfect. E.g. #ItsPerfect. This would also refresh emotion.

Story line is as follows

53. #Ace. This would also direct line significance.

54. #Rank. This would also retrieve line significance.

Coincidence line is as follows

55. #Tally. This would also direct agreement.

56. #Check. This would also retrieve agreement.

Common Sense line is 

57. #Natural. E.g. #ItsNatural, #Naturally, #Nature. This would also direct learning/learnacy.

58. #Unnatural. E.g. #ItsUnnatural, #Unnaturally, #NotNatural, #NotNature. This would also retrieve learning/learnacy.

Structure equals

59. #AssumingTheFact. This would also direct studying/studies.

60. #AsAMatterOfFact. This would also retrieve studying/studies.

Personality lines equals 

61. #Can. E.g. #CanDo. This would also direct professional dedication.

62. #Cannot. E.g. #CannotDo. This would also retrieve professional dedication.

63. Memory Defence line equals #ButParse. E.g. #ButBeHoly, #ButParseFiction, #ButParseSolfege, #ButItsAStory, #ButClassified. This would also encourage processing positively.

64. Self-Control line is #ButInjectionObjective and #Protect. These would also

1. Prevent scratching. (esp. #Protect). E.g. #ProtectMode, #ProtectTheSkin.

2. Neutralize and censor sensitive and/or painful lines.

3. Effect a self-censorship application where necessary. (esp. #ButInjectionObjective). 

4. Effect a secure chemistry where one cannot repel interferences. E.g. #ButParseBuutInjectionObjective.

Friendship line is

65. #Distinction, #Distinguish. This would also direct interest.

66. #Distance, #Reserve. This would also retrieve interest.

67. Meanwhile

* Sex education is derived from academic and other intelligent studies.

The English Dictionary (English 6.4) (Livio) defines sex education as

"Education about human sexual anatomy, reproduction, and intercourse and other human sexual behavior."

Passion line is as follows

68. #(Composition)Aptitude. E.g. #()Aptitude. This would also direct chemistry.

69. #(Composition)Perspective(s). E.g. #()PerspectiveThis would also retrieve chemistry.

70. Silence line is #SMH, (i.e. #ShakingMyHead). E.g. #SMHWouldParse. This would also 

1. Hold back the expression of something that is especially negative, worrisome, or problematic.

2. Encourage positive energy.

71. Commonality line is #(Remember/Remembering)TheSpirit. This would also manage and control dynamics.

72. Literature, Literacy line is #Composition. E.g. #NoComposition, #AtComposition, #Composition, #EnglishCompositionObjective. This would also refresh thinking and encourage to process information correctly. 

Observation line is as follows

73. #Attention. This would also direct application.

74. #Classified. This would also retrieve application.

75. Dynamics line is #Application. This would also integrate dimensions.

Spirit line is as follows

76. #Practical. This would also direct devotion and encourage positive zeal.

77. #Unwise. This would also retrieve devotion repel negative zeal. E.g. #Unwise_WouldParse.

Prayer line is as follows

78. #(So)HelpMeGod.

79. #(I)TrustInGod.

80. Holy Spirit line is #PracticeMakesPerfect. E.g. #PracticeMakesPerfectCanDo. This would also create a secure chemistry and ward off malicious spirits.

81. History line is #Review.

Resource(s) line is as follows

82. #Readiness. This would also direct the immune system, and repel viruses and false emotions. 

83. #Disconnected. E.g. #ButDisconnected. This would also retrieve the immune system, and repel viruses and false emotions.

84. Savings line is #Converted. This would also complement economy.

85. Fasting line is #Retain. #Retention, #Retainment. E.g. ObjectiveRetention. This would also improve satisfaction.

Curiosity line is as follows

86. #Sustain, #Sustainment. This would also direct consciousness.

87. #Waive, #Waiver. E.g. #WouldWaive, #WaivedIt, #Ok_Waived, #LineWaiver, #TroubleWaiver. This would also retrieve consciousness.

